The NF Open Science Initiative has had a busy start to 2019. A few updates:

New NF1 and NF2-related datasets now available on the NF Data Portal

This quarter marks the release of several new datasets that are now available on the NF Data Portal. Dr. Eduard Serra from the Institute for Health Science Research Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP) in Barcelona, Spain has published induced pluripotent cell models from NF1-/- patients with SNP array data. A dataset summarizing the results of a mouse Schwann cell drug screen – a collaboration between Dr. Cristina Fernandez-Valle (University of Central Florida), Cenix Biosciences, and CTF – is now public. To download these datasets and others, please navigate to the Dataset Exploration page on the NF Data Portal.

The NF Data Portal: now recruiting participants for a usability study

Have you been to the new NF Data Portal? Do you have ideas about how it can be improved? We are currently running a study to learn more about users of the NF Data Portal to help make it the best platform for exploring the latest research related to neurofibromatosis and schwannomatosis. We’d love to hear what you think! We are offering $50 gift cards for all selected participants as a thank you for your participation. If you’d like to participate, please apply using the study application form.

NF-OSI community grows: The Department of Defense enables NF-OSI funded researchers

New Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP) NF Research Program Investigator-Initiated Research Award proposals can now apply for additional funds to support data sharing as part of the NF Open Science Initiative. A request for applications is posted on the CDMRP website here; the letter of intent deadline is May 23, 2019! Learn more about the process for joining the NF-OSI as a CDMRP Investigator-Initiated Research Award applicant here. If you are interested in joining the NF-OSI outside of the CDMRP, please respond to this email to learn more.